Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Blue Heron

See our friend?? He comes by just to perch and hang out for a little while! He's sitting on a big fallen tree branch that's supposedly been there for years. We were going to pull it out right away, but then we realized how much it actually is a hotspot for the lake's wildlife. The turtles love it- we see up to 7 or 8 at a time just baskin' in the sun on those branches, everyday! Annnd it brings this cool blue heron right to our backyard, which is awesssome.
Actually, he seems to be fishing a lot, head bent down, watching the water... Sometimes he likes to fish from a higher tree branch, and then swwooopp down, scoop up his dinner and fly off. It's so cool to watch him! His wingspan is huge; he's really a beautiful creature. I was thinking maybe we should name ourselves "The Blue Heron B & B", what do you think?

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